

Tourism refers to travel from one place to another or from one county to another for entertainment, leisure, or business purposes. It has already been recognized as tourism industry in many countries of the world. Also, it has gained popularity as one of the means of leisure activities worldwide. A person who travels elsewhere for fun or entertainment is known as a tourist. Tourist guides, travel agencies, major service sectors are involved in tourism both directly and indirectly. 

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Tourism has become an important sector that has an impact on the development of a country's economy. The main benefits of tourism are income creation and the generation of jobs. For many regions and countries, it is the most important source of welfare.

Benefits of Tourism   

1. Provides employment opportunities both skilled and unskilled, because it is a labor-intensive industry.

2.Generates a supply of needed foreign exchange 

3.Increases incomes.

4.Creates increased gross domestic product.

5.Can be built on existing infrastructure

6.Develops an infrastructure that will also help stimulate local commerce and industry.

7. Can be developed with local products and resources 

8.Helps to diversify the economy.

9.Tends to be one of the most compatible economic development activities available to an area.

10.Spreads development.

Cost or Disadvantage:  

1.Develops excess demand for resources.

2.Creates social problems.

3. Creates the difficulties of seasonality

4.Degrades the cultural environment.

5.Increases the incidence of crime, prostitution, and gambling.

6.Increases vulnerability to economic and political changes.

7.Causes inflation.

8.Can result in unbalanced economic development.

9.Theaters family structure.

10.Commercializes culture, religion, and the arts.

11. Creates misunderstanding.

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