
 Definition of Tourist  

The person who is supposed to leave his/her hometown in order to visit a different area for the purpose of leaving an experience of shopping, entertaining, visiting, cultural & historical attractive having fun and so on the condition that she/he should return to his/her own place, stay no longer than 12 months, make use of a tourist activity and spend his/her on money.

Types of Tourists   

There are different types of tourists:

Intrinsic Tourists: They are into holidaying for the sake of enjoyment.

Extrinsic Tourists: They have reward oriented motivation. These tourists are susceptible to the activities where performance is evaluated.

Adventurers: They give very little importance to relaxation. They are always up to exploring places and taking challenges. Mainly youths and singles from both genders carrying zest of life largely contribute to this type of tourism.

Budget Travelers: They are economy-oriented tourists. Their touring decisions about places, travelling mode, and other related factors are largely dependent on their financial status.
Homebodies: They are mainly relaxed tourists. They do not get into adventure. The tourists aged above 45 to 50 years belong to this type. The busy professionals under 45 years also belong to this type.
Moderates: They plan their tour ahead, have a high inclination towards tourism but they do not get into sports or adventure activities.

Elements of tourism

There are certain elements or ingredients of tourism. They are the fundamental attractions of tourism. They are-

             - Pleasing weather

            - Scenic attractions.

            - Historical and cultural factors.

            - Accessibility

            - Amenities

            - Accommodation.

           - Safety and security etc..

Difference between Travel and Tourism   





Travel means to go on a journey, especially a long one.

Tourism is the activity of traveling to a place for pleasure.



People travel for many reasons such as business, pleasure, education, visiting family, and friends etc.

Tourism mainly refers to the activity of traveling for pleasure.


Travelers may stay at a place for a long period depending on their purpose.

Tourists don’t stay in one place for a long period.


Travel is a generic term that is commonly used in day to day life.

Tourism is a commercial organization and operation of holidays and visits to places of interest.

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