Why are keywords important?


The Importance of Keyword Analysis

Marketing is inherently analytic. Field-testing marketing outreach and marketing performance is key to optimizing budget allocation and market reach. Search marketing is no different, and since keywords dictate your entire search campaign, keyword analysis should be your primary focus. Analyzing keywords allows you to:
  • Optimize Spend: Distribute more budget to successful keywords and eliminate wasteful spending on those that aren't producing results
  • Increase Conversions: Identifying and focusing on well-converting keywords is good for conversion rate optimization and return on investment (ROI)                                                                                                                                 

  • Eye Trends: Knowledge of keyword search frequency provides insight into market behavior which you can apply to multiple aspects of your business
  • Prioritize Your Time: Keyword performance guides campaign importance--spend your time optimizing areas that have the biggest impact on your bottom line
  • Find New Markets: Use keyword analysis to expand your long tail efforts and discover more specific keyword queries and corresponding warm leads.                  

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