Fire Insurance

 Fire Insurance:  

A fire insurance contract defined as an agreement whereby one party return for a consideration under takes to indemnify the other party against financial loss which the latter may sustain by reason of certainty define subject matter being damage or destroy by fire or other define perils up to agreed amount.

      According to M.A.Mishra, "Fire insurance is a device to compensate for the loss consequent upon destruction by fire."

Doctrine of Contribution:

The doctrine of contribution provides that if the same property is insured under more than one policy, the insurer can recover a retable proportion of the loss under each policy.

Proximate Clause: 

A cause which immediately proceed and produces the effect is called Proximate clause. It is an act from which a loss or injury results as a natural direct consequence without which the loss or injury would not occurs.

Importance of fire insurance: 

  • Promotion trade.
  • Employment opportunities.
  • Reduction of the chance of loss.
  • Promotion of savings.
  • Reduce loss by using savings. 
  • Increase awareness. 

For more information about  Fire

Insurance Click here:  👀                    

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