Brain Drain


Brain Drain, is the departure of educated, highly skilled   talented Individuals or professional people from one country, economic sector or field for another usually for better pay or living conditions. Due to the Brain Drain phenomenon, developing countries like Bangladesh are unable to deploy its human capital effectively. Bangladesh being one  of  the  least developed  countries  needs  its  talents  to  stay  to  contribute  to  the development. But majority of these highly skilled immigrants do not come back after completing their study or training and start living in the foreign countries.  Lack of opportunity, higher standard and insecurity are some reasons behind their immigrations. 

Types of Brain Drain

As mentioned above brain drain occurs at three levels – Geographic, Organizational and Industrial. Here is a look at these different types of Brain Drain in detail:

·        Geographical Brain Drain

It is referred to the departure of highly brilliant and skilled individuals to another country in search of better paying jobs. It has a negative impact of their home country’s economy and overall development.

·        Organizational Brain Drain

The mass exodus of highly talented, skilled and creative employees from one organization to join another is referred to as organizational brain drain. It weakens the organization and toughens competition.

·        Industrial Brain Drain

It is the departure of employees from one industry in search of better jobs in other industries. It disturbs the working of the industries where brain drain occurs.

Causes behind Brain Drain

Various factors fuel brain drain. The factors can be divided into two; Push factor and Pull factor

Push Factor:

👉 Insufficient opportunity for resource and higher study

👉 Difficulty in maintaining standard of living

👉Political turmoil

👉  Discrimination & Sheer insecurity.

Pull Factor:  

 👉 Opportunity to career development

 👉 Higher salary and income.

 👉Better economic prospects

👉 Better resource


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